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Stand no.80

Beratungsgesellschaft für die zweite Säule AG

As an independent company, BERAG has been providing comprehensive services in the field of occupational pension schemes (consultancy, administration, claims management and IT) since 1973. We specialise in particular in the needs of pension funds of owner-managed companies and non-profit organisations as well as open collective and joint foundations. Another of BERAG's specialities is the modernisation of pension solutions. This involves reviewing the pension fund organisation, pension plans, financing, risk bearing and investments and submitting holistic optimisation proposals. Thanks to our wide range of services, expertise and many years of experience, we are able to exploit many synergies. The constant increase in the level of technology (automation and digitalisation) is of great importance.

With P40, BERAG offers the most modern, highly automated and powerful pension fund administration environment on the market. The fully integrated P40 portal solutions (insured person app & company/broker portal) enable all business processes to be managed entirely digitally.

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